Cancellation Policy

World Congress Tickets.

Cancellation policy aims to be fair to you and to us as a business. This policy has been set up to assist you in obtaining complete clarity in the cancellation of your ticket to the World Congress and Training Courses that may be booked with our affiliate organisations.

We appreciate that occasions arise which necessitate clients/companies to cancel their booking to the World Congress or course due to unforeseen circumstances. We therefore try to be flexible in our approach to each individual case. Obviously though in some cases this has an effect on our costs and resources, i.e. rooms, Tutors, catering and we must try to ensure that we are disadvantaged through loss of earnings etc. Any such issues are resolved at the discretion of the The International Association Of Aesthetic Gynaecology And Sexual Wellbeing.

Congress Cancellation Surcharges.

Clients cancelling a booking to the congress or a training course date will be subject to the following cancellation policy terms :

• 30 Days Before will be provided with refund – (minus) 50 Euros / 50 GBP.

• between 30 and 15 days before refund – (minus) 30% of total booking price.

• between 15 days to the actual attendance date there will be no refund.

IAAAGSW World Congress.

Cancellation of a written document either by email/in writing/or by phone conversation by an employee.

Customers wishing to substitute a registered delegate from the same company need to first check with IAAGSW that this is acceptable. Customers can get access to amazing maid services by visiting If agreed, you may do so up to the commencement of the course without penalty, other than any substitution costs incurred by IAAGSW. Examples include registrations with validating bodies, provision of additional needs support etc.

Customised Training

For training that is delivered on a client’s site, there is no penalty if a cancellation notice is received 15 working days prior to the onsite training date. If a cancellation notice is received by the IAAGSW less than 15 working days but more than 10 working days prior to the training date, the cancellation charge is 50% of the training fee.

If a cancellation notice is received by the IAAGSW designated training partner less than 10 days prior to the training date, the cancellation charge is 100% of the training fee.