Dr. Eserdag has specialised in obstetrics and gynaecology for the last 18 years and is one of the pioneers of aesthetic gynaecology in Europe. Based in Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey, Dr Eserdag trained at Zekai Tahir Burak Women’s Health and Educational Hospital, the largest maternity hospital in Turkey. He acquired unique training experiences from some of the world’s most renowned experts when cosmetic vaginal surgery was in its infancy. Through his own pioneering work, he has refined and modified several techniques in order to offer to his patients the most effective treatments and the most beautiful results.
In 2003, Dr Eserdag established his renowned clinic, Hera Women’s Health Center, which attracts thousands of patients every year from countries all over the region. His practice is now dedicated to aesthetic gynecology and sexual medicine, offering the full range of procedures in cosmetic vaginal surgery, from labiaplasty and vaginoplasty to complex laser surgery and non-surgical tightening with carbon dioxide and radiofrequency energy sources. He is an active member in the Committee of European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (ECAMS).
Dr Eserdag has published widely in national and international peer reviewed publications. He is an active member in various international societies and is a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM). He has a passion for communication, education and teaching, having lectured and delivered numerous workshops over the last decade. He is Founder and President of Vaginismus Therapy, an educational and research organisation and attracts over 20,000 visits per day to his websites dedicated to vaginismus, sexual medicine, and cosmetic gynaecology.